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Green Run Students Laying the Groundwork for Their Future Careers

In Green Run High School, there is a certain class that allows students to flip the script and put themselves in the role of a teacher.

Virginia Teachers For Tomorrow, or VTFT, is a class with the goal of preparing students for a new world of teaching in the future, with them at the forefront.

“If anybody wants to be a teacher, it’s the way to go,” said Ms. Burnke, former VTFT member and current teacher at GRC.

First year teacher of this class, Debbie Briscoe, is leading the charge as she teaches her students day in and day out about the life of a teacher and their role in a school.

She usually focuses on teaching and improving student leadership skills while letting them go out and experience a school environment through the eyes of a teacher.

“I think it is a good opportunity for students,” said Mrs. Briscoe. “{The class} is designed to build leadership and educational skills, prepare students for college level classes, and for students to have actual, real world teaching experience.”

Throughout the course of several weeks, students have been able to go to a variety of middle and elementary schools where they are able to have real world experience alongside seasoned teachers.

Schools that the students tend to go on a regular basis include Larkspur Middle School, Parkway Elementary, and Windsor Oaks Elementary.

“It’s cool to have all these different experiences,” said Kiyah Wise, student of VTFT.

Every grade level may apply to this class, but only juniors and seniors can take it. Requirements for this class are the same for each student however, consisting of having good grades and behavior, especially after freshman year.

While in class, the teacher tends to build the class around modules handed to them by the school, usually explaining the necessary skills needed to teach a class.

“We use the educator rising curriculum,” Mrs. Briscoe said, talking about the textbook used in class that walks the students through the different aspects of being a teacher.

The culmination of all this is a chance for a student, primarily a senior, to receive a contract from the school board as a way to receive a teaching job anywhere in VA.

In order to be eligible for this contract, students must exhibit good grades, good behavior, and a strong desire to become a teacher.

You must also present a portfolio or a type of resume detailing everything you have done in this class, including your field experiences.

“Only 1 out of every 10 students may receive this contract,” detailed Mrs. Briscoe.

One of the recipients of this contract works at our very own GRHS; first year teacher Megan Burnke. Current math teacher of GRC, Ms. Burnke took the class during her senior year and never looked back.

“I was recommended by a teacher during senior year,” said Ms. Burnke. “{I was contemplating} on becoming a teacher during this time, and once I took the class, I fell in love with teaching.”

Once receiving the contract, she would attend various interviews with schools such as PA middle and COX high; but ultimately chose GRHS.

“I loved it, it was so much fun,” Ms. Burnke added referring to the taking the class. “{I recommend} that students who are interested in this just jump in with full force and talk to your teachers.”

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