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A Year for Greatness!

As the 40th anniversary year opens up, so does a year for GReatness!

Here's a few tips on how to start out the year towards success!

1. Keep a goal in mind.

It's easy to lose track of success if you don't have a goal or an endpoint. Without one, you'll find yourself either struggling to keep up or just scraping by. In order to keep on track, I recommend you use a S.M.A.R.T Goal, that way you can also analyze your goal and tailor it to suit your needs and wants.

2. Be realistic

In every story of greatness, there's always a humble beginning. You can't reach riches without starting from rags. Keeping with the first piece of advice, keep your goal realistic. Set it up in a way it'll place you towards success, rather than failure. Do what's possible, not impossible.

3. Have faith

Okay, maybe the second piece of advice might cancel out belief and perseverance, but believe it or not faith and rationale can go hand in hand. While I (or any doctor) wouldn't recommend having superhuman tasks, I can definitely recommend having a superhuman willpower. A bit of will and determination can go a long way.

4. Take a break to relax

There's nothing more devastating than running out of fuel. To fly straight towards success, it's best that you occasionally take breaks to fill up to avoid getting hit by burnout and exhaustion. Talk to some friends, maybe visit the library and read a book or a magazine. Take a look at some homework and be glad it's not due today. Pace yourself.

5. Be yourself

This isn't a trick, genuinely be yourself! By being true to yourself, you don't develop some weird alter-ego absolutely bent on some notion of "success". Instead, you just improve yourself! Rely on yourself and yourself only, not what you think other people think of you.

With these 5 tips, you'll be set on track towards a lifetime of success! For GReatness, however, it's up to you whether or not this year will be great!

Here's some positive thoughts from both Green Run students and Green Run Collegiate students that will guarantee a year of GReatness.

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